AI-powered recruiting chatbot

Digital Assistant

Enhance your career site and talent marketplace for candidates and employees with automated self-service, qualification screening, and interview scheduling through an AI-powered digital assistant.

Expand your reach

Automate communication

Unify your platform

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Speed up time-to-hire

Expand your multi-channel experience across the globe

Support candidates in 20 different languages, helping to create a diverse environment globally. Grow your reach by integrating the digital assistant on communication platforms like SMS, web chat, WhatsApp, and FB Messenger.

Automate communication at every stage in the talent lifecycle

Enhance your career site by responding instantly to FAQ’s and automating job matching. Allow qualified candidates to schedule a video interview any time of the day or night.

Create a consistent recruiter experience across all systems

Increase efficiency and help speed up time to hire in one recruiting platform. Digital Assistant works with iCIMS Text Engagement for text-to-apply campaigns and actively populates data into your iCIMS platform. Analytics and insight help you strengthen campaigns by analyzing key candidate activities throughout the hiring process.

Automate and scale recruiting

With iCIMS Digital Assistant you can:

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Champion the voice of the candidate

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Add accessibility to web pages

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Unify data with integrations to your iCIMS Talent Cloud

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Connect to a higher volume of the global workforce

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Streamline steps in virtual interview scheduling

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Reduce time screening candidates

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Reduce time manually monitoring chat

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Strengthen opportunities for internal mobility

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Valorar la voz del candidato

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Facilitar el acceso a las páginas del website

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Unificar los datos con integraciones en la plataforma iCIMS Talent Cloud

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Llegar a más candidatos a escala mundial

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Optimizar la planificación de las entrevistas digitales

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Reducir el tiempo de selección de candidatos

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Reducir el tiempo dedicado a la comunicación digital

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Impulsar las posibilidades de movilidad interna


Learn how iCIMS can help you drive ROI

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