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Complete guide to using AI in recruiting

From creating candidate shortlists to helping draft job descriptions, AI has the potential to revolutionize hiring. AI can provide insights and suggest optimizations that would otherwise go unnoticed. The speed at which it can accomplish tasks — and the scale at which it can engage candidates – represents a significant opportunity for hiring teams.

That all sounds good, but getting started with AI can feel overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be.

Why trust us on AI?


iCIMS has a history of using AI across our hiring platform – long before this current race to incorporate AI into everything.

We think the results speak for themselves. iCIMS Talent Cloud AI was named “Best Overall AI Solution” at the 7th annual AI Breakthrough Awards.

Here are our steps to evaluating and implementing AI in your recruiting process.

Step 1: Define the use case for AI in your recruiting process

AI isn’t a narrow solution for a specific hiring challenge. There are many opportunities to use AI throughout the recruiting process to save time and help make smarter, more informed decisions. The first step is determining where and when to use it.

How AI can benefit recruiters and hiring managers:

  • Assist with writing job descriptions
  • Generate interview questions based on role
  • Pinpoint your most interested and engaged candidates
  • Summarize emails and email threads for recruiting teams
  • Create shortlists of candidates for specific roles and locations

How AI can benefit job seekers and employees:

  • Provide job search guidance on your career site with an AI-powered chatbot
  • Help job seekers find relevant jobs based on their skills and experience
  • Assist employees in identifying skills to help them grow in their careers

Resources for determining where and how to use AI for recruiting:

[Webinar] What’s next in AI?
Transform recruitment with AI
4 ways AI recruiting software can streamline hiring
Your AI checklist for better healthcare hiring

Step 2: Determine responsibilities across functions

Once you’ve figured out how you want to use AI, it’s time to get the right people on board and define who is responsible for what. Ideally, this should happen before you start looking at specific vendors. This way, you’ll get into the evaluation process with your internal teams all on the same page.

Who is consulted will vary from one organization to another. Your executive team, legal counsel, information security and IT department are all possible candidates. Some organizations find it best to formalize an AI committee to hammer out the details.

Questions to discuss with your internal team:

  • Who is in charge of evaluating AI vendors?
  • Who oversees implementation?
  • Do we have guidelines around the ethical use of AI?
  • Who will communicate changes, timelines, etc. with our team?

Resources for determining where and how to use AI for recruiting:

A collaborative guide for talent and IT leaders​
How investing in recruiting software improves ROI
6 ways TA teams do more with less

Step 3: Evaluate vendors

At this point, you’re ready to assess AI solutions and their vendors. There are at least two important categories to consider:

  1. What capabilities do they promise, and how do they deliver?
    Is AI native to the tools vendors offer, or is it a separate feature? Your organization’s unique needs might lead decision makers to prefer one over the other.
  2. What are their guidelines for the creation and use of AI?
    Responsible vendors align the development and use of their AI to ethical principles and international standards. Knowing the vendor’s core AI ethics will help you ensure that they align to your organization’s principles.

When evaluating vendors, ask:

  • What responsible or ethical principles is your AI developed with?
  • How are you prepared to comply with emerging AI laws?
  • How long have you been developing AI?
  • Is your AI solution native to your product or a “bolt-on”?

Resources for evaluating recruiting AI vendors:

NYC AI law
Colorado AI Act
AI Principles for Developers and Employers
AI isn’t taking over the whole world, just mine
Responsible AI: Ethics and automation in recruiting

Step 4: Implement AI in your recruiting process

With an AI solution secured, it’s time to begin the rollout. Your team will likely have a lot of questions about how this impacts their day-to-day.

The first step is communicating the vision for AI, and how it can transform the way your organization recruits. Next come timelines and expectations. Finally, training for recruiters and hiring managers.

Resources to help you get started with AI:
4 steps to strengthen responsible hiring with AI
How to build your talent acquisition tech business case
ATS buyer’s guide
[Webinar] Best practices to make your ATS buying process less painful 6 ways TA teams do more with less

Hiring with iCIMS AI

Trusted by the world’s leading brands, our responsible AI has a proven track record of helping teams simplify and accelerate their hiring – including reducing time-to-fill by as much as 50%.

Learn more about iCIMS Talent Cloud AI: