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Transparency Report

Learn how iCIMS is committed to your privacy and being transparent about government requests for customer data.

iCIMS is committed to your privacy and being transparent about government requests. To date, iCIMS has never been subject to a subpoena, warrant, order, or other request by any governmental authority to access or disclose information that may include customers’ personal data. Given the nature of the processing that iCIMS conducts on behalf of its customers, it is unlikely that we would receive this type of request.

In the unlikely event that iCIMS should receive such a request, iCIMS maintains an internal Third Party Access Request Procedure which outlines our response process, which includes:

  1. Where a requesting authority submits a request, and if compelled by applicable law or court order, then, prior to responding to the requesting authority, iCIMS will respond by following these steps:
    • Assess the nature, urgency, scope, validity, and legality of the request;
    • Attempt to redirect the requesting authority to submit the request to the respective customer;
    • Seek outside legal counsel, if needed;
    • Seek to challenge or oppose the request if there are reasonable grounds to consider the request unlawful, including, where necessary, pursuing possibilities of appeal, seeking interim measures to suspend the effects of the request until a decision is made by the competent judicial authority;
    • Forward the request to, or otherwise notify, the respective customer, if applicable, and permitted by applicable law or court order;
    • If prohibited from forwarding the request to, or otherwise notifying, the customer, iCIMS will attempt to obtain a waiver of the prohibition so that it can communicate as much information as possible to the customer as soon as possible;
  2. If the request cannot be challenged, opposed, or redirected to the respective customer, work with the requesting authority to ensure that the request is narrowly tailored and is in writing (e.g., administrative subpoena) from the respective requesting authority or a court of competent jurisdiction;
  3. Work with the requesting authority to appropriately address and respond to the request, if necessary, after addressing the above steps, including not disclosing customers’ personal data until required to do so under applicable procedural rules and providing the minimum amount of information permissible; and
  4. Document the legal assessment and actions taken by iCIMS in accordance with the steps outlined above and, to the extent permitted by applicable law or court order, make such documentation available to the customer upon request.