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Create automated yet personalized candidate touchpoints with iCIMS Career Sites

March 18, 2022
iCIMS Staff
5 min read
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In this candidates’ market, it’s tempting to focus all your efforts on getting people in seats as soon as possible. Sure, your teams will need to move quickly in order to make hires before your talent competitors swoop in, but at what cost? The candidate experience is often the first to suffer in busy times, with touchpoints becoming more infrequent and impersonal. 

And candidates have noticed. The percentage of unsatisfactory candidate experiences rose a whopping 75% from 2020, which is the highest to date in the US. 

The good news? You don’t have to sacrifice personalized communications to speed up your hiring processes. In our Winter 2022 release, iCIMS released a set of features to create personalized yet automated touchpoints for active and passive job seekers alike.  


Similar job matching to help talent explore more jobs 

Career Site Job Matching screenshot

Your teams and hiring managers work hard at making job description pages as compelling as possible to make the requirements clear and attract qualified talent to apply. Along with AI-enabled job matching, which allows a candidate to upload their resume to find jobs that match their skills and experience, iCIMS just released similar job matching on iCIMS Career Sites as another way to present jobs that match job seekers’ skills and experience. Job seekers can now see similar roles they may be qualified for or interested in on the job description page, which could expose surprising results and keep them engaged on the site longer.

Let’s say a job seeker with accounting experience, Maria, clicks on one of your featured jobs at the top of your careers page but sees that it’s not 100% what she’s looking for. She reviews the recommended jobs to identify a fitting role she didn’t even know existed, which turns out to be perfect for her. Better job matching allows for a more relevant and engaging candidate experience, improves your career site performance stats, and helps your teams fill their pipelines with more qualified talent. It’s a win-win for talent and TA teams alike.


Personalized video matching so talent can see employee testimonials they care about

Video Studio Dynamic Video Matching screenshot

You can also serve up multi-media content to help build an emotional connection with your employer brand. With dynamic video matching, iCIMS Video Studio customers can now provide a career site experience where employee-generated videos surface based on the pages a job seeker visited. With a more relevant career site experience, you can increase the average time candidates spend on your site, improve the candidate experience, and you’re likely to see higher conversion rates for your open roles.

Another example: Maria found a role that’s a great fit for her, but she still wants more information before she applies. Because she checked out a number of accounting roles, she now sees videos with employee testimonials specific to the accounting department’s culture. That way, she finds out more about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the accounting department, the team culture, and the internal mobility program. Now that she has a better idea of the day in the life of an accountant, she’s ready to apply.


Enhanced email marketing automation to create more relevant campaigns

CRM email marketing automation screenshot

Especially during the Great Resignation, candidates’ inboxes are filled with outreach from your talent competitors. Enhanced email automation in iCIMS Candidate Relationship Management can help you stand out from the competition and get more candidates to interact with your content and, eventually, convert them. In the winter release, iCIMS added the ability to update the settings in your campaigns to automatically send different emails to people in your talent pool based on how they interacted (or didn’t interact) with your previous email. Your teams will be able to send content tailored to the individual and their interest level.

For instance, let’s say your team is working on a campaign highlighting your organization’s commitment to DEI. If Maria clicks on the first email that includes employee-generated videos talking about the DEI initiatives at your organization, she’ll receive an email in a few weeks that includes your organization’s DEI workforce demographics report. If she doesn’t open that email in the series, iCIMS CRM will automatically send Maria an email that points her to a company blog piece about one of your DEI programs.

By sending different emails to candidates based on their behaviors, you’re more likely to make connections with active candidates, encourage passive candidates to apply, and keep employees engaged with your internal mobility programs.

The Great Resignation has employers reconsidering how they engage with candidates and looking for creative, more individualized touchpoints across the TA lifecycle. The capabilities we launched in the winter release are just a few of the ways you can create a personalized, automated candidate experience. For TA tips and tactics, check out the iCIMS guide to attracting top talent.


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