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How to use matching tech to build a winning workforce

October 28, 2020
iCIMS Staff
3 min read
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How do you know you’ve found the right person for the job?

The truth is you don’t know, not really. Maybe you’d be more confident in your decisions if you knew, with certainty, that you checked over each and every candidate. But the truth is you and your team don’t have enough time in the day to review and cross reference every single resume and reference. That means large numbers of talent is left unreviewed and sitting in your talent pools.

The good news is that’s exactly why AI talent tech was developed. To help you get your job done and aid you in making the smartest decision in a timely manner. (And bring the right talent together with the right teams to transform business.)

AI informed hiring tools automatically surface the talent that’s right for each role, with no wasted effort for recruiters or hiring managers. Plus, intelligent AI recruitment tools like candidate match technology can scan all available talent (internal and external) unlike older AI tech that focuses only on new candidate activity. Today’s candidate match tech surfaces best-fit candidates to recruiters from existing employees, talent pools, and previously engaged talent—before new souring investments are made.

When you’re faced with the following obstacles, candidate match tech can surface the right person for the right role.

  1. Recruiting high quality, high volume talent. When hiring for multiple open roles, chances are you’re reviewing a ton of candidates. Just because you need to fill several spots doesn’t mean each of those spots aren’t important, right? Candidate match serves recruiters a list of top qualified candidates for consideration. (Learn more about high-volume hiring here).
  2. Sourcing effectively to filter for the right qualifications. Often a bulk of applicants for open roles are underqualified or not the right cultural fit. The time it takes to review these un-fit candidates is draining and time-consuming. Matching tech automatically filters out underqualified talent and only surfaces the best of the best.
  3. Eliminating hiring bias to build a diverse team. Unconscious and conscious hiring biases are a real thing—like it or not. When recruiters and hiring managers skip over applicants or favor others, then your organization misses out on building a diverse, winning workforce. AI tech is purpose built to avoid bias and match candidates regardless of sex, gender, religion, age, etc. (Learn more about recruiting for diversity and inclusion here).
  4. Leveraging the depth of your talent pools. You spent time and money building diverse talent pools to attract talent to your business. Many of the candidates in your pipelines are not hired for the position but that doesn’t mean they aren’t the perfect fit for another upcoming role or open role in another department/team. Let AI candidate match tech scan candidates already in your talent pools for consideration for today’s open roles.

In each of these situations matching AI tech helps recruiters get back valuable time and ensures hiring managers get a short list of highly qualified candidates, including those who are already in your organization. It also guarantees leadership sees the diversity of its team grow as its spending on sourcing falls.

At iCIMS, we use AI hiring solutions to do less and deliver more and find the best fit for your talent roles, faster.

  • Talent Discovery: allows you to immediately identify and prioritize highly qualified candidates through automated review of 100% of inbound resumes
  • Star Match: helps you build the best teams by allowing recruiters and hiring managers to describe the perfect candidate, then find them in minutes
  • Leaderboard: lets you rediscover candidates and existing employees already in your talent pool by using data connections to rank for “best fit”
  • Role Fit: intelligently recommends jobs to candidates using resume data and career site search to closely align candidates’ qualifications, skills, and career interests with current openings


Interested in learning more about recruitment marketing software? Check out “Deeper and Broader Talent Pools: The Definitive Guide to Building Your Pipeline.”


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