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How Your Talent Acquisition Strategy Affects the Customer Experience

February 1, 2018
iCIMS Staff
4 min read
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The New Face of Candidate-Driven Recruitment

There’s no denying the dynamic nature of talent acquisition. As the landscape continues to shift and evolve with changes in technological innovation, talent acquisition is the most fast-paced function of human capital management. While hiring trends come and go, it’s imperative to recognize the value of consumer-facing recruitment and its role in a successful talent acquisition strategy.

The modern job seeker is more powerful than ever before. Now, candidates are driving the way companies attract, recruit, and hire new talent. So much so that 83 percent of recruiters agree that the power has shifted away from where it has been for years, the employer, and towards the candidate.

Recruiting practices are an extension of your corporate brand – and candidates are your customers. In fact, candidates who are satisfied with their experience are twice as likely to become a customer of the hiring organization compared to unsatisfied candidates (53 percent vs. 25 percent). Be it with an outstanding corporate culture and benefits package, a user-friendly career portal, or mobile application experience, more companies are putting a positive candidate experience first. Because without one, there’s too much at stake.

How to Create a Great First Impression

It’s simple — the career portal and its respective application create a candidate’s first impression of a company. If they don’t like what they see from the jump or find the application process too complicated, they simply won’t apply — nearly yet 60 percent of job seekers report they’ve abandoned applications due to length or complexity.

This leaves companies with unfilled roles and accumulated workloads, but what’s more unsettling is the implications these experiences can have on an employer brand. Candidates are quick to share their poor experiences with friends, family, and social networks. According to CareerBuilder, 72 percent of candidates report sharing their negative reviews on websites like Glassdoor and LinkedIn, or with someone directly.

It’s essential companies recognize the repercussions that can stem from a negative first impression. Fortunately, powerful software can help businesses put their best foot forward with a simplified, streamlined user experience to preserve their employer brand and hire better people. A leading applicant tracking system (ATS), like iCIMS Recruit, makes it easy for interested candidates to apply and submit their resumes in any form, from any device.

Recruit’s powerful data parsing capabilities allow candidates to login using their social profiles to populate application fields with respective information, eliminating manual data entry.

Why Communication is Crucial for a Positive Candidate Experience

Recruiters and talent acquisition leaders are privy to the term “candidate black hole.” This refers to the phenomenon candidates face after they’ve submitted their application and are left without any acknowledgement of their application status.

Unfortunately, this a major misstep in achieving a successful candidate experience, and can seriously hurt a company’s rapport. So much so that candidates who left in the dark on the status of their application are 3.5 times less likely to ever re-apply to that company.

Recruiting practices are an extension of corporate brand – and candidates are ultimately prospective customers. According to TalentBoard, candidates who believe they’ve had a negative overall experience say they will take their alliance, product purchases, and relationship somewhere else. Therefore, when the candidate experience is broken, your business is at risk.

Businesses need to choose a software that streamlines candidate communications throughout their entire journey. An end-to-end recruitment software, like the iCIMS talent acquisition software, allows users to manage high volumes of applications and candidates, seamlessly moving them throughout the candidate journey with notifications along the way.

From the moment they apply, iCIMS sends time-sensitive responses to avoid the “candidate black hole” and ensure job seekers that their applications are being reviewed by actual people, not just machines. Then, recruiters can leverage powerful communication features to connect with candidates and schedule interviews. Recruiters can send traditional emails, fully branded to maintain a consistent employer brand, or leverage iCIMS’ integration with TextRecruit to communicate with candidates via text message, in real time.

With an end-to-end hiring software, like the iCIMS Talent Platform, to serve as the backbone of a talent acquisition strategy, recruitment teams are armed with the tools they need to serve up a candidate experience that’s equally as attractive as it is easy to use to help. Ultimately, this candidate-focused recruitment strategy helps recruiters win the right people to advance business success. Learn more about the candidate experience and its role in a strong recruitment strategy, check out “The Mind Shift That Needs to Happen in HR.” 


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