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Create more effective video interviews with these three questions

September 1, 2021
iCIMS Staff
3 min read
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Whether in our personal or professional lives, we regularly create and consume video content. It’s inescapable. While you might not be ready to embrace TikTok resumes, you likely already benefit from the video obsession because employees and candidates are now more comfortable behind a screen. The use of video interviews increased 159% in 2020 compared to 2019.

Remote work is less of a trend and more of an expectation for an influx of job seekers as people are choosing (and asking) to work remotely. With location no longer a limitation for many roles, video interviews will remain essential to enable connections between candidates, recruiters, and hiring managers.

Video interviews can help you accelerate hiring, streamline processes, and improve quality of hire. However, to keep hiring moving, you need to review your processes regularly. Reevaluating how you interview can help you create meaningful engagements.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself when reviewing your processes – and ways to leverage iCIMS Video Interviews to improve:

1. Are interview formats set up equitably?

If every recruiter conducts interviews differently, you could be allowing unconscious bias to creep in, and might exclude some great people from joining your workforce.

Not only are structured interviews more effective, but they allow you to focus on the right criteria when evaluating candidates.

iCIMS’ solution: Create a library of standardized, approved interview questions. By asking every candidate the same questions in the same order, you can create a more equitable hiring environment.

Screenshot of iCIMS Video interviewing

2. Are we capturing the applicant’s interest?

Are you waiting to introduce the hiring manager to the applicant after the initial screening? Consider making the hiring manager part of the screening to help create a culture of communication and transparency and allow the applicant to get more familiar with your company. Three out of five employers say it’s harder to align company culture and values, making it more important to get your employer value proposition across at every stage.

iCIMS’ solution: With iCIMS Video Interviews, hiring managers can record interview questions and potentially make a strong connection with the candidate right away.

3. Do we provide enough flexibility to candidates?

Over 70% of workers today want some form of flex work. You can help meet that need with your interviews. Scheduling interviews outside of traditional work hours can not only open your pool of candidates, but it can show a flexible work culture and respect for the candidate’s time. With on-demand interview formats, you can reduce the hassle of scheduling and eliminate the need for your candidates to take time off from work or caregiving.

iCIMS’ solution: You can set up video interviews and leverage on-demand video interview formats to give candidates the freedom to record their answers on their own time. All interviews will be stored within iCIMS ATS for your hiring teams to review and provide feedback in a standardized way.


iCIMS Video Interviews integrated natively within iCIMS Applicant Tracking System can accelerate and streamline how you share and review candidates. Plus, with the power of the iCIMS Talent Cloud you can leverage videos beyond the interview stage by showcasing your employer brand and culture, engaging with candidates throughout the hiring stages, or building an inclusive onboarding program.

Watch this short video to see iCIMS Video Interviews in action:


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