
See how companies like yours use iCIMS to elevate their recruitment experience and create winning teams.

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Trusted brands trust iCIMS

Rydon construction worker and satisfied iCIMS' customer looking at his mobile phone and smiling

Involvement is easy with iCIMS, because they want feedback, they want to know what’s in the mind of talent acquisition. So, it’s a great partnership. I wouldn’t trade iCIMS for the world. I don’t feel they are a vendor, and I don’t think they see me as a customer. We’re all working for a much larger goal together, moving forward.

Head of Global Talent Acquisition, Celanese

Better support for your role

Set a new standard with digital solutions that empower your entire organization to build a thriving and inclusive workplace.

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Stay prepared for the future of work and manage growth with robust analytics

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Talent acquisition

Make your recruitment processes more efficient with a single platform

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HR operations

Streamline your entire HR tech stack with flexible, best-in-class digital solutions

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Get innovative AI and robust data solutions with iCIMS’ Talent Cloud

Leading transformation across industries

When you know who–and what–comes next for your industry, you can steer your business with confidence.

Accolades and awards

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