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5 recruitment automation solutions you need in your CRM

February 3, 2023
5 min read
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Where do you start when you’re looking for talent? You might start with your candidate relationship management (CRM) system. Afterall, your CRM is full of potential job seekers who have shown interest in working on your team. But how do you know who is hire-ready now versus who needs further touchpoints before they’re willing to change jobs? Finding out takes time and a lot of manual digging. Or does it?

What if your CRM could tell you at a glance which candidates are engaging in your employer brand and are ready for a hiring conversation?

In this post, we’ll cover the top recruitment automation solutions you need in your CRM, and how you can use automation to engage candidates, cut time to hire and save valuable human time.


Why recruitment automation?

Recruitment automation solves what other recruitment technologies just can’t, engaging candidates in a meaningful way, and letting recruiters know which of those candidates are engaged and ready for a hiring conversation.


What can recruitment automation do for you?

Employees have a team meeting in a brightly lit room

#1 Filter your pipeline on real-time candidate engagement

Recruitment automation tracks candidate engagement across your entire company digital footprint so you know which candidates are engaging with your content and are interested in your employer brand. 

Each interaction a candidate makes is assigned a number, known as an engagement score. At iCIMS, we use a standard model of engagement scoring, with specific actions receiving a designated score.  For instance, one point is assigned to email opens and website views. Five points are assigned to webinar signups and form submissions, and twenty points are assigned to job application form fills.

What this means is that recruiters can filter their pipeline based on real-time candidate interaction. Recruiters can identify which candidates are cold, warm and hire-ready, understanding exactly where your candidates sit in the recruitment journey.


#2 Eliminate the need for mass, impersonal communications

Seventy-one percent of consumers expect companies to provide a personalized experience. The market is changing, and recruitment is no different. As more consumers demand personalization in the buyer journey, talent acquisition leaders are looking to recruitment marketing and how technology can be used to tailor candidates’ experience throughout the recruitment process.

Tracking candidate engagement helps recruiters understand what type of content their candidates are engaging in the most. By tailoring your messaging based on their intent, your candidates receive meaningful content that they are interested in and is relevant to them personally.


#3 Nurture candidates before they are ready to apply

Traditionally recruiters begin sourcing candidates once there is a vacancy to be filled. Today, we know that a short-term mentality can cause long-term recruiting challenges. When it comes to creating sustainable methods of talent acquisition, candidate nurture is key.

Candidate nurture is an ongoing process and requires a solution that automates the right type of messaging, at the right time. An example of this is reaching out to students during exam season with helpful studying tips or getting in touch with recent graduates to congratulate them ahead of joining the workforce. Recruitment automation lets recruiters automate personalized communications throughout the candidate journey from cold, warm to hire-ready.

By communicating with potential candidates before they are ready to apply, you cement your employer brand in candidates’ minds.


#4 Instantly notify recruiters when a candidate is hire-ready 

The average role takes just over 6 weeks to fill. The competition for talent is tough – if your hiring process takes too long, candidates might lose interest. Recruiters need tools that help speed up processes and automate actions.  

With recruitment automation, the moment a candidate hits the hire-ready threshold, recruiters receive a real-time notification. This offers recruiters a constant stream of top talent in their inbox. 

Through engagement scoring, you know exactly which candidates are ready for a hiring conversation.   


#5 Save valuable human time by automating processes

With top talent in high demand, it’s easy to assume that sourcing new candidates is the way forward. But what about that existing database of candidate information in your CRM? Often, your top candidate is already in your database.

Last year, nearly all HR and talent professionals invested in new tools to help meet labor market challenges. Saving time and money is high on the priority list for TA leaders, and utilizing the candidates already in your database is key in doing this.

Through candidate nurture, recruitment automation helps recruiters engage inactive databases of talent. Your top talent might be right in front of your eyes.


The solution to Specsavers’ recruitment obstacles

Specsavers storefront

For Specsavers, recruitment automation helped drive recruiting activity, hiring 55% more optometrists. Specsavers cut cold calling by 97% and reduced advertising costs by 77%.

Find out more about recruitment marketing automation and how it solved Specsavers recruitment obstacles in our customer success story.


Amplify your CRM with recruitment automation  

There’s no need to spend your valuable time cold-calling candidates to find out who’s interested in a role. With recruitment automation, your CRM tells you which candidates are engaging in your employer brand and are ready for a hiring conversation.

Discover more about recruitment automation in our blog post on the little-known use cases for recruitment marketing automation.


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About the author

Rachel Findlay

Rachel is responsible for bringing the iCIMS brand to life with compelling copy in the Northern European market. Based in Scotland, Rachel has a knack for storytelling and enjoys writing global content. After earning her undergraduate degree at Edinburgh Napier University, Rachel spent a number of years marketing products and services in the tech and recruitment spaces leading her to iCIMS.

When not writing, Rachel enjoys playing trad music on her violin, learning new languages and spending time with friends and family.

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