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iCIMS Applicant Tracking System: Hire top talent fast

October 18, 2022
iCIMS Staff
5 min read
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An applicant tracking system is the heart and soul of your talent efforts. It helps you secure the skilled talent your organization needs to achieve critical goals and often serves as the first building block for a comprehensive hiring and mobility strategy.

In short, your ATS can make or break your recruiting team’s ability to hire the best talent.

iCIMS Applicant Tracking System helps employers transform their talent acquisition process to overcome their most difficult hiring challenges.
Keep reading to learn how iCIMS ATS can accelerate hiring and deliver exceptional experiences at every step of the talent journey.

Find the right talent quickly

Screenshot of job advertising options in iCIMS Applicant Tracking

With the pace of business ever increasing, companies not only need to fill job openings with the right people, but they also need to do it fast. iCIMS ATS helps you source talent through:

  • Job distribution and XML feed. Distribute jobs to multiple job boards at once using an XML feed. This increased scale and speed means TA can reach more candidates more efficiently.
  • Integrated job advertising. Optimize your advertising efforts and budget with tailored job board recommendations right within your ATS. Identify which jobs are most important to advertise, build your campaign, choose your job boards and let iCIMS ATS automatically post based on your budget. This new feature saves recruiters significant time from an otherwise manual task.
  • AI-powered talent matching. AI, or applied intelligence, helps recruiters identify best-fit talent using their resume skills and experience data . TA teams can review the most qualified candidates and use contextual recommendations to make informed decisions.

Elevate the candidate and recruiter experiences

Screenshot of iCIMS Video Studio embedded into a job description

Candidate outreach doesn’t have to be a pain. iCIMS ATS helps you engage with job seekers using solutions that feel like part of their everyday flow.

  • Text Engagement. Text messaging is an easy, quick and informal way for recruiters to communicate with candidates, keep interest high and increase their likelihood of staying in the pipeline.
  • Video Studio. Your current employees are the best ambassadors for your organization. With Video Studio employees can record their own videos to share their perspectives and give job seekers an authentic view of what it’s like to work for your company.
  • Digital Assistant. Our AI-powered recruiting chatbot helps job seekers navigate the application process with ease. Use on your career site or within communication platforms like SMS and WhatsApp to instantly respond to FAQ’s, share employee generated videos and allow qualified candidates to schedule an interview.
  • Mobile-friendly applications and career sites. More than half of candidates use their phones to job search. But when applications and career sites aren’t mobile-friendly, they’re frustrating to use, and candidates drop out of the process. iCIMS ATS mobile-friendly apps and sites mean job seekers can engage whenever and wherever it’s convenient.
  • Video Interviews. Remote interviewing is now a way of life. Whether your candidate is across town or the country, video interviews let you have “face-to-face” conversations, speeding up the hiring process and expanding the talent pool.

Manage the entire talent lifecycle efficiently


Recruiter views offer letter templates in iCIMS Offer

Disjointed integrations with point solutions create a clunky and time-consuming experience for talent teams. With iCIMS ATS, you can configure your hiring process in a way that makes sense for your team to offer the best candidate and recruiter experience and speed the flow of work.

  • Candidate relationship management software. When iCIMS ATS and CRM are used together, recruiting teams can streamline the talent search by growing talent pools, using applied intelligence to identify skilled candidates and engaging those candidates short and long-term.
  • Offer Management. iCIMS ATS provides an end-to-end solution so you can create personalized, automated and accurate digital offer letters. This scalability helps your team get offers out the door fast to improve the likelihood that a candidate will accept your offer, instead of a competitor’s.
  • Onboarding. Once a candidate has accepted the offer, they still need to complete tasks so they can hit the ground running. With an employee onboarding portal, new employees can fill out forms, learn about the company and prepare for day one. This additional touchpoint can help keep the new hire’s interest up to prevent ghosting.
  • Opportunity Marketplace. TA teams don’t just attract new employees. They must also retain current employees with new opportunities. iCIMS Opportunity Marketplace is an internal mobility and growth solution that helps companies engage, develop and keep their top talent.
  • Third party integrations. iCIMS offers a marketplace of nearly 300 software partners. This collaboration allows your recruiting teams to easily integrate point solutions with the iCIMS ATS to strengthen your HR technology strategy.

Provide insight to make smarter decisions

Screenshot of iCIMS DEI Analytics dashboard

As business objectives and hiring needs change, talent acquisition leaders will need to pivot their strategies. To help them make data-driven decisions, iCIMS ATS offers patented applied intelligence and robust analytics as a native part of the platform.

  • Applied intelligence. Traditional artificial intelligence uses data science models to give recommendations. But applied intelligence goes one step further. By connecting those recommendations to the live ATS environment , users can make informed decisions in real time and in the context of the ATS platform.
  • Talent analytics and reports. To make informed decisions, you must know what’s happening in the organization. iCIMS ATS offers key analytics and reports that provide a transparent, full-picture view of the recruiting process and its impact.

Your ATS is the heart and soul of your recruiting efforts. It should help TA teams do their jobs better, faster and more easily, while delivering exceptional experiences to candidates.
Find out more about how iCIMS ATS can help innovate and transform your recruiting efforts at each step of the talent journey.


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