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How RPOs can maximize productivity and fulfil customer initiatives in one solution

April 20, 2022
iCIMS Staff
4 min read
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Many factors contribute to the market conditions that talent acquisition faces today – the push for digital transformation, the Great Resignation, and the increased pressure for businesses to mine and engage with high-caliber talent. As a direct result, TA increasingly leans on the expertise and reach of an RPO to help meet the demands of the business. Consequently, never before has the partnership between TA technology vendors and RPOs been more critical, with technology, people, and process holding up their end of the solution in equal parts.  

Limited resources 

As is the situation for your friends in TA, the world of RPO is just as susceptible to service delivery disruption, limited resources, hard to find talent and fierce competition. According to research from LinkedIn, in June 2021 there were 6.8x more recruiter roles on its platform compared to the same time in 2020. This problem puts you squarely in the same boat as your customers.  

RPOs that leverage technology amplify their ability to effectively replace missing team members. By way of example, video interviewing frees up a significant amount of time for an already maxed out team, by as much as 50% according to iCIMS customer survey data. RPOs can also outsource language testing to a technology partner that combines a human-led process with automated technology, adding a critical additional expert member to your team.    

Mandated client technology  

In a hyper competitive market where the RPO must differentiate in order to gain a competitive advantage, they’re often challenged to deliver innovation with a mandated client technology stack, which is often not fit for purpose. Here, the technology in the RPO ecosystem must be flexible enough to compliment or extend the service delivery with minimal disruption or barriers to deployment. This is where on-point solutions that can be swiftly deployed to fill any capability gaps are critical to the success of the partnership. Tools that enable the RPO to bypass and streamline rigid TA workflows can deliver a more interactive and engaging candidate experience. This ultimately enables the RPO to deliver against their commitment to transform their TA function.  

The benefits of an RPO going to market with a single, but scalable platform capable of handling their entire service delivery cannot be overstated; yes, you can expect to realise significant cost savings when you consolidate your ecosystem, but it also ensures that you are poised to extend your service lines at pace and with minimal friction as your relationship with your client evolves. 

Internal mobility 

In the past, internal mobility would have been either the purview of HR or an auxiliary part of the RPO service delivery, however, with qualified talent in short supply, RPO are increasingly being called upon to incorporate internal mobility as its own significant service line with the same innovation and commitment that underpins any external TA function. However, the RPO will often have limited access to the client’s internal HR systems, and service delivery teams are often forced to re-purpose the ATS to support this function. It is only with a dedicated talent marketplace that the service delivery teams can surface internal expertise, which would otherwise remain hidden within the organisation, and have the additional benefit of generating employee engagement and belonging.  


DE&I capability has shifted from being a piece of consultancy to an essential capability that needs to be embedded throughout the entire TA process. The RPO that can tie in business performance and truly deliver to the client’s DE&I strategy will gain a competitive advantage when it comes to securing net new business and retaining current clients. As with any service line, all initiatives need to be transparent and stand up to scrutiny as to how they are making an impact. How do you ensure that a candidate is introduced to further opportunities when they apply for a role? Where are you able to mitigate bias throughout the selection process? And most important of all, how do you measure the impact of all  DE&I initiatives? 

And on a final note, it is probably no longer acceptable for an RPO to simply state that they are technology agnostic. The client will often lean on the RPO for guidance and expertise of what is current in the landscape and how they gain access to the tools through your service.  

Transform your offerings with the iCIMS Talent Cloud platform 

As a direct result of three successive lockdowns, significant cultural and economic impacts, and changes such as the Great Resignation, you are experiencing a multitude of challenges never experienced before. The ability to meet these challenges rests largely in the hands of technology. The iCIMS Talent Cloud can ease the burden by helping remove barriers to implementing new service lines all while eliminating the need for you to add headcount. This unified platform can provide maximum flexibility in a single solution. 

Learn more about how iCIMS can help here. 

Request a consultation on how iCIMS can help your RPO organization 


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How RPOs can maximize productivity and fulfil customer initiatives in one solution

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